I added the Image 30th Anniversary Anthology to my pull because of your newspaper strips. Can't wait to read them all. Looks just like Sunday newspaper strips of my childhood. Great fun!


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This makes me so very happy! Haha

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We're in for everything you do boss!

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I thought between zombies and shrinking page sizes, newspaper strips were dying (except for Will Henry's Wallace the Brave, of course!) but now I know, they've just moved to the funnybooks!

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I remember clipping the Calvin and Hobbes ones out and slapping them all over my parents fridge! It’s like you have this giant wad of paper and are only interested in a small fraction.

This was a great read and hope to see more!

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Oh man i loved seeing this in that 30th anniversary book!! I used to love opening the newspaper and reading Garfield, Peanuts and Dilbert when I was younger!!

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I love this! 🖤

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So glad to hear that you're finally getting to do the comic strip style stuff you've been wanting to try! What's funny is I started out believing I'd go into comics. But got pivoted to a different direction and now make 3D environments for games hah.

I've been enjoying the strips! The first one was hilarious and the second one is even better! We've gotta see IRL Skottie in Spawn cosplay now haha.

Since you plan on keeping them going it be awesome to see a short book collection of them like in the style of Calvin and Hobbes!

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These are amazing ? Any plans on releasing these all in one tpb?

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There is something special about a comic strip, isn’t there? Definitely the best thing about newspapers when I was a kid—and Sunday’s paper was, of course, the best because the comics insert was bigger than the weekday editions and the comics were all in color. Love seeing you work in this format and excited to see what life throws at your family next!

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Love love love.

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Newspaper strips don't get the credit they deserve.

They got me into comics, and I never stopped reading them - along with a lot of webcomics.

Glad to see you keeping the tradition alive.

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As a woman, I can tell you, I can be amused or aroused, but I can't be BOTH at the same time.

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If you were wearing the mask I'd have died laughing. Love the Calvin and Hobbes Sunday cimic strip style.

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Hellloooo, i guess she expected Bedman.

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Bloody brilliant! Now that’s a ‘Slice o’ Life’ comic. Love it.

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